The 3 Wins
The 3 Wins Podcast
🎙️E44: FCCI's Ken Powell on Making the Shift from Missions to the Marketplace

🎙️E44: FCCI's Ken Powell on Making the Shift from Missions to the Marketplace

A conversation on breaking through the 'secular-sacred divide' that holds back so many business leaders of faith.

Welcome to Episode 44 of The 3 Wins Podcast, brought to you by Legacy Advisory Partners!

I’m Russ Clemmer, the CEO at Legacy, host of The 3 Wins Podcast, and co-author of the brand new book, Collaboration Effect on Profit: Overcoming Founder’s Syndrome to Achieve Sustainable Success. (Grab your copy here.)


Our guest today is Ken Powell, the director of engagement at the Fellowship of Companies for Christ International (FCCI), an organization that helps equip business leaders to infuse biblical principles into their companies. He has a rich heritage of spiritual leadership, growing up as the son of missionaries in Nigeria before his family had to leave the country in 1975.

After struggling early on to reconcile his faith with the business world, Ken had a transformative experience that helped him realize there is no sacred-secular divide—our work matters to God. This paved the way for him to find his calling in the business world after initially serving in church ministry for 12 years.

Through FCCI, Ken now helps other business leaders understand how to integrate their faith into their day-to-day work and experience the peace that comes from operating in alignment with God's vision for their companies. His passion is seeing the next generation of leaders grasp these concepts, as well.

So, without further adieu, here’s Ken on today’s episode of The 3 Wins Podcast.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. In what ways have you experienced or struggled with the sacred-secular divide in your own life and work?

  2. How can you more fully embrace the Biblical concept of the "Garden Commission" to have dominion and co-create with God through your work?

  3. What might it look like in practical terms to infuse more Biblical principles into your business practices and decisions?

  4. When have you experienced God's wisdom and guidance in your work in tangible ways? How can you position yourself to experience this more often?

  5. Does your business currently provide a "platform for ministry" that allows the gospel to be lived out? If not, how could it?

  6. What is holding you back from fully surrendering the vision and direction of your business over to God's leading?

  7. How are you intentionally investing in and equipping the next generation of business leaders with a Biblical worldview?

  8. In what ways can you leverage your influence as a business leader to have a greater kingdom impact?

  9. If you viewed your work as a sacred calling, how might that change your attitude and approach?

  10. What steps can you take to proactively build vision, mission, and value alignment between your personal walk with God and your business?

Key Takeaways:

1. The Sacred-Secular Divide

Ken reflects on his initial struggle to reconcile his faith with his work in the business world. It wasn't until he met his friend Chad that he realized there is no separation between the sacred and the secular—his work matters to God.

2. The Garden Commission

Ken highlights the concept of the "Garden Commission," referring to God's original mandate for humans to have dominion and co-create with Him. This understanding helps business leaders see their work as a calling to bring order, restoration, and redemption.

3. Spiritual Leadership in Business

FCCI equips business leaders to lead from a biblical foundation, fostering an environment where they can make decisions aligned with God's vision and experience peace and confidence in their work.

4. Engaging the Next Generation

FCCI exists to reach and equip the next generation of business leaders, ensuring that Biblical principles and a kingdom-focused worldview are transferred to the emerging generations in an increasingly online business landscape.

5. The Influence of Business Leaders

Ken highlights the far-reaching influence business leaders can have, impacting thousands of relationships and spheres of influence, amplifying the impact of a “kingdom” attitude and approach in the marketplace.

Additional Notes:

  • Ken's background includes growing up in a missionary family, attending Moody Bible Institute, and serving in church ministry before finding his calling in the business world.

  • The episode discusses the importance of vision, mission, and values alignment in business, drawing parallels to God's vision for creation and restoration.

  • Ken emphasizes the role of business leaders as "priests in the marketplace," carrying a responsibility to represent Christ in their spheres of influence.

The bottom line: This episode provides valuable insights into integrating faith and work, equipping business leaders to lead from a biblical foundation, and leveraging the marketplace as a platform for ministry and cultural transformation.


Check out our new book, Collaboration Effect on Profit: Overcoming Founder’s Syndrome to Achieve Sustainable Success, here:

Download our FREE whitepaper, “The 3 Wins: How to Unleash the Collaboration Effect on Profit in Your Company,” here: 

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